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Learning to Wait

Joanne Mullin

Making the Most of Setbacks and Roadblocks.

Since our incredible Launch Event some unforeseen obstacles have popped up, seeming to derail the momentum generated by our Launch. More than the usual letdown after such a highlight, it was more like falling flat on my face with one thing after the other getting in the way of making any progress. I found myself buried in the details of creating flow charts and inventory controls, managing finances, following up with those who came out and supported us at our Launch, segmenting mailing lists and trying to get our new collection photographed, the photos edited, the copy written, and the website updated. I had to keep reminding myself of how far we've come in such a short amount of time, and to not become overwhelmed by my frustrations with Photoshop and not being able to edit photos the way I wanted. There are endless time-consuming tasks that take me away from designing and creating my products and properly marketing and promoting them. It's just all so overwhelming at times.

Deciding to pour myself into doing something productive, I spent a few days cleaning out the basement and sorting through photos, home accessories and decor and clothing. We ordered a dumpster, which we totally filled up within hours. I organized my closet, ironed all of my summer clothes, sorted through piles of costume jewelry, books, shoes and cleaned everything. This is not what I had planned to be doing, but it kept me feeling productive when other obstacles got in my way.

There were also some family issues going on that were quite stressful, as well, as Bill and I were dealing with a troubled son who suddenly came back into our lives after being homeless and completely lost to us for almost three years. The struggles have been emotional and spiritual, and we all have had our good days and not-so-good days.

Then, after over two year of escaping it, Bill and I both came down with Covid. It was so bad for Bill, that he had to be hospitalized. For the last week we have both been in bed, stopped in our tracks. It is a helpless feeling of being totally powerless over what's happening. Neither one of us is very good at dealing with sitting still and not being able to do anything about a situation.

The only thing to do was to try and make the most of it. Since I am unable to get to my photo studio where I can photograph the new kimonos, I have been writing the catalog copy, revising my inventory system and bit by bit getting ready to hit the ground running as soon as I can.

Now that Bill and I are feeling better, and it has stopped raining, the world is looking brighter, and we will be getting back to some sense of normal soon. It feels good to be a little more organized, and a lot more rested. I feel ready to get back into my daily routine and get out and about to run errands and see my friends and generally get back on track. But I have learned a few things through all of this. Mostly, to accept what I can't control, and to be at peace with not knowing how this is going to turn out. I'm so grateful to Bill for taking such good care of me while I was sick, and for the heart to heart talks we had during this ordeal. God is good. Things work out for the best in spite of how we think they should go. I'm looking forward to moving forward, and am excited about all of the new possibilities that are coming our way.

Thank you all for your encouragement and support. It means so much to us. Good things are on the way!!

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