One day I went to my closet looking for something to wear to a swanky event, and could not put an outfit together to save my life. So, I did what most women in my situation would do: I went shopping. Bad idea. I was desperate to find something that would give me the confidence I needed to go to the event. Being new in town, I did not know anyone, and wanted to feel that I was showing up as the best version of myself.
I went to every upscale boutique and department store I could find, but ended up not finding anything that was acceptable. Nothing fit. Nothing seemed sophisticated or elevated enough. The store staff hardly spoke to me at all. I felt invisible and insignificant. I went home empty-handed.
As a last resort, I pulled out some fabrics I had been collecting for another purpose, and started combining the prints and the magic started to happen. By the time I was finished, I had cut out and sewn a unique long jacket that was a collage of interesting fabrics and had a slimming silhouette. Pairing it with some long, flowing pants and a sleeveless top, I truly felt fabulous walking into that intimidating event.
That night a woman came up to me and asked me where I got the beautiful jacket and told me she would buy it in a heartbeat. Inspiring me to start making more of them, I did just that. Within a year I was working with a team of pattern makers and sewing professionals to create an entire collection of kimono-inspired jackets and robes that pair nicely with so many classic separates that most women already own.
Inspired by women who are confident and are not afraid to be seen and heard, I love to provide them with an alternative to what typical retailers have to offer. As we enter the most productive time of our lives -- when we are so ready to be all we were born to be, and have so many opportunities to be a force for good in this world, women deserve to have options for dressing well. We deserve to be able to find flattering and lovely things to wear as we enter our prime.
This has become a personal mission for me. I have met and come to know so many fabulous people, and the opportunities for helping others are everywhere.
My husband, Bill and I are committed to helping to support non-profit organizations that provide services to those who are recovering from addiction and/or abusive situations so they can get a new start in life. ​​

It is gratifying to see lives transformed. Whether through the efforts of others whom we can support, or through making garments that help women see themselves in a new way, the true transformation is my own.